How to Keep Bobcats from Killing Your Pets

Dec 30, 2018


Welcome to Kimberly Ann’s Designs Studio, your trusted source for all things arts & entertainment. In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive information on how to protect your beloved pets from bobcat attacks. Our aim is to help you create a secure environment for your furry friends and prevent any potential harm they may face outdoors.

Understanding Bobcats

Before diving into strategies for keeping bobcats away from your pets, it is essential to understand these magnificent creatures. Bobcats are medium-sized wild cats found in various regions across North America. Known for their distinctive short tails and tufted ears, bobcats are skilled predators that primarily prey on small animals, including rabbits and rodents. Unfortunately, they may pose a threat to your pets if they perceive them as potential prey.

Creating a Secure Outdoor Environment

To ensure the safety of your pets, consider the following measures to create a secure outdoor environment:

1. Secure Fencing

Install sturdy and tall fences around your property to prevent bobcats from entering your premises. Opt for fences at least six feet high, as bobcats are excellent climbers. Ensure there are no gaps or spaces through which these agile creatures can enter. By properly securing your property, you create a physical barrier that deters bobcats from crossing into your pet's territory.

2. Remove Attractive Wildlife Bait

Bobcats are attracted to areas where they can find easy prey. Remove any potential food sources from your yard that may lure wild animals, such as bird feeders or unsecured garbage cans. Doing so removes the incentive for bobcats to venture close to your home, reducing the likelihood of encounters with your pets.

3. Restrict Outdoor Activities

Keep your pets indoors during peak bobcat activity times, typically dawn and dusk. Although bobcats are more commonly elusive and prefer to avoid human contact, restricting your pets' outdoor activities during these periods minimizes the risk of encounters. Consider providing a safe and stimulating indoor environment for your pets during these times instead.

Deterrents and Scare Tactics

Implementing deterrents and scare tactics can significantly reduce the likelihood of bobcat interactions:

1. Motion-Activated Lights and Sprinklers

Install motion-activated lights and sprinkler systems to startle and deter bobcats from approaching your property. These devices work by detecting movement and suddenly illuminating the area or spraying water, creating a startling effect that discourages bobcats from loitering near your home.

2. Noise-Making Devices

Consider installing noise-making devices, such as ultrasonic sound emitters, near your property boundaries. These emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to bobcats, prompting them to seek quieter areas away from your property. Human hearing is generally unaffected by these devices, making them an effective tool in deterring bobcats without causing any discomfort to you or your pets.

Education and Awareness

Educating yourself on bobcat behavior and raising awareness in your community can contribute to long-term solutions:

1. Spread the Word

Share this vital information with your neighbors, friends, and family to raise awareness about bobcat safety. Encourage them to follow the necessary precautions for protecting their pets. Together, we can create safer communities for both humans and wildlife!

2. Contact Local Wildlife Authorities

If you frequently spot bobcats in your area or witness concerning behavior, inform your local wildlife authorities. They can provide guidance on addressing any potential bobcat issues and provide further resources for maintaining a harmonious relationship with these magnificent creatures.


Your pets' safety is our top priority, and by implementing the strategies outlined in this article, you can significantly minimize the risk of bobcat attacks. Remember, creating a secure outdoor environment, using deterrents and scare tactics, and promoting education and awareness are essential steps towards keeping your pets safe. At Kimberly Ann’s Designs Studio, we believe in the coexistence of wildlife and domestic animals, and we are committed to providing you with the information you need to protect your furry companions.

Nick Fugarazzo
I will definitely be taking these precautions, thanks for the advice.
Dec 22, 2022
Alberto Pages
I appreciate the awareness raised by this article.
Oct 6, 2022
Gregory Shanks
These tips are so important for pet owners, thank you.
Sep 29, 2022
Anne Milem
An insightful topic to consider, thank you for covering it.
Sep 6, 2022
Pamela Feeley
It's crucial to protect our pets, thanks for the guidance.
Feb 7, 2022
Jose Castro
I value the awareness brought by this article, thank you.
Oct 5, 2021
Eriel Nash
Pet safety is vital, thanks for helping us prioritize it.
Aug 3, 2021
Arnis Budrevics
To all pet owners: read and take action!
Jan 7, 2021
Jeremiah Wilson
I've learned a lot from this article, thank you.
Nov 27, 2020
James Druffel
The safety of our pets matters, thank you for the information.
Oct 6, 2020
Darryl Brown
Thanks for the helpful tips!
Aug 29, 2020
Rajesh Mahajan
I'm grateful for this resource, thank you for addressing this concern.
Aug 29, 2020
Doug Bawn
This article offers sound guidance, thank you for sharing.
Jul 9, 2020
Sumit Rana
Practical tips for safeguarding our furry friends, much appreciated.
Jun 18, 2019
Lydia Ching
Practical suggestions, thank you for outlining the precautions.
May 10, 2019
Brad Siniscalchi
Useful information, I appreciate the thorough coverage of the topic.
Jan 31, 2019
David Pickens
I never knew about this, great article.
Jan 10, 2019
Joyce Hedlund
Great reminders to keep our fur babies safe from wildlife.
Jan 9, 2019
Matt Kowalski
Informative read, looking forward to implementing these strategies.
Jan 7, 2019
Excellent advice, especially for those living in rural areas.
Jan 5, 2019
Grace Stephens
Pets' safety is a priority, thanks for the insights.
Jan 4, 2019
Allison Hopstad
Good to know, will be sharing this with my neighbors.
Jan 4, 2019